A surgical procedure done on the eyelid to remove fat deposits, loose skin and drooping that has occurred with age. Blepharoplasty, as it is called, is capable of improving common problems such as hooding of the eye or excess skin on the upper eyelid (puffiness in the inner corner) and middle of the upper eyelid caused by herniation (pushing forward) of fat. Eyelid surgery can make a big difference in your personal appearance, taking away your tired and old look turning your face into a more youthful relaxed state. If you’re considering this procedure, the following information will provide you with a good introduction on how eyelid surgery is done.
External upper or lower lid blepharoplasty is done by making an incision in the skin fold, excess skin and fatty tissues are removed and the muscles and orbital septum are tightened. External incisions are hidden within the natural fold of the eyelids. The incision is then closed with very fine sutures.
Lower lid blepharoplasty is usually done using an internal approach (transconjunctival), where an incision is made inside the lower eyelid to remove the protruding fat. The wound naturally closes and no suture is required. The skin may need LASER skin resurfacing to achieve optimal results. This is the procedure of choice by our surgeon due to less risk of complications.
This procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours, depending on the extent to be repaired.
Normally this is an outpatient procedure and is usually performed in our office surgical suite. Anesthesia used is usually local with sedation; occasionally general anesthesia is used.
You may be reading in 2 to 3 days and be back to work in about 7 to 10 days. Swelling and discoloration around the eyes will generally subside; you’ll be feeling better as the days pass. You must avoid strenuous activities as well as those that easily tire your eyes; and it is recommend that you take frequent naps as this helps in the healing process.
As with any other type of surgery there is always the risk of infection; injury to the facial nerve causing loss of motion, muscle weakness, asymmetric look, broad or excessive scarring.
A temporary discomfort or even tightness of the lids may be felt. Swelling and bruising, temporary dryness, burning and itching of the eyes may also be felt. Excessive tearing even sensitivity to light for the first few weeks may be in effect.
Results may last several years to sometimes even being permanent. Even though aging does not cease, patients are satisfied with their appearance for many years.
You must be at least 18 years of age and in good health with the desire to correct droopy, baggy eyelids. You must also have no known medical condition such as high blood pressure, circulatory problems, and thyroid related conditions.