More and more people throughout the country choose to improve the appearance and /or function of their noses through nose augmentation. Next to the eyes, the nose is the most notable characteristic on the face. For some,getting a nose job may be an act of vanity, but for others, it is more of a corrective procedure than cosmetic. People with difficulty in breathing or areas of the septum and nose that were damaged or broken in accidents are reconstructed with the use of nose implants. The surgeon will generally correct a deviated septum along with a nose implant to achieve an aesthetically pleasing nose.
The shape of the nose is dependent on ethnic background, age, skin type and other variables. On your first visit, you may discuss your concerns about your nose and your expectations with your surgeon. Your surgeon will explain the process and probable outcome of the procedure. Before and after photos of other patients with similar concerns will be available for you to look at.
Nose Implant is a simple plastic surgery procedure intended to augment the bridge of the nose or nasal dorsum. It is done by either using bone grafts or synthetic implants made from solid silicone, polyethylene and other materials. The procedure usually takes about an hour or two. Nose Implants are also used in other sites around and under the nose to repair birth defects and damage due to trauma.
The procedure usually takes about an hour or two and may be performed using general or local anesthesia with sedation.
This procedure may be performed in the office surgical suite on an outpatient basis.
The results to this procedure are permanent. Many patients who have undergone this procedure are satisfied with the outcome.
While the effect of the nose implant might be pleasing, as with any foreign object, there are side effects. Because of the area of the face the nose implant is placed, it can slip out because of daily movements while eating, sneezing or rubbing. It is simple, however, to reposition the nose implant and is an in-office procedure.
You are if you are in good physical health and want to improve your appearance. You must also be free of any allergies to the implant materials.